5 Tips to Get Your Photography Clients to Trust You

Getting your photography clients to trust you can hard - trust me, I get it. But it’s absolutely vital that you build trust with your potential photography clients because without trust they will never feel comfortable booking your services. Just coming out and saying, “Trust me!!” won’t really work either. You have to have a holistic way of building trust with your potential photography customers through actions and not words. You have to show up, prove to them that they can trust you and your work, and do it again and again and again…

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Chicago Grad Session at The School of the Art Institute | Goldie

I met Goldie during freshman orientation and we immediately found ourselves giggling at inside jokes in the Rubloff auditorium - so to say we were fast friends would be an understatement. I’ve seen Goldie explore himself over the years through personal art projects in our classes together, spent Halloween together dressed as fancy ghouls and seen him fall in love…

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The Aspiring Photographer 5 | Concept & Meaning

Today’s a fun one, friend - we get to talk about the core message of your photograph - the concept and meaning behind it. What you’re trying to say, who you’re trying to connect with and what the hell the point of its existence in your viewer’s life (harsh, but good to acknowledge)…

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Floral Designer Branding Session | Brittney Kee

Brittney and I first met on a sunny day in River North - she came in bustling, excited and full of ideas for her branding photography session. She told me her story of how she started in floral design, what it's like to be an educator and entrepreneur, and how she's pursuing her dreams and learning along the way. Over coffee we planned out her goals for the session and before I knew it we had planned out 4 scenes, tons of massive props, and had the beautiful…

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Happy Place | Editorial with Lauren Rebecca Roth

After taking a painfully long (and actually painful) hiatus from creating anything while my back healed, I was SO excited to get some creativity going with the beautiful Lauren Rebecca Roth at Happy Place while it was in Chicago! This was the first time I was able to hold my camera without a monopod since my injury and it was so scary + exciting to walk around for a few hours with Lauren and take super fun photos and get to know each other! Y'all, this place was happy…

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5 Prop Ideas for Your Personal Branding Photography

I feel like no one would fight me on saying that Pinterest is a fantastic source for finding inspiration - right? There's like millions of photos to use for ideas when you're planning personal branding photography, of all different styles and moods and it's super likely that you can find photos that reflect the style you're going for when it comes to your own photography in your brand. But the thing that's tough about Pinterest is that it's easy to feel like anything that you create in a photograph could be misconstrued as mainstream or like you're copying another creative…

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Inspired Chicago | Layne Fargo

I met Layne recently when she reached out for me to photograph the author headshot for her book cover (literally, the coolest thing ever). After we had had her session and were at our final meeting where we went over her photographs together, she mentioned that one of the things she connected with me about before we even met was the Inspired Chicago feature series. I'm always ridiculously happy to hear that a creative woman in Chicago feels like the series resonates with them, but to have an author tell me that my interview series was good almost made me faint - it's like sending a contract to a lawyer and them telling you you did a good job…

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Photo Ideas for Service Based Creative Entrepreneurs

If you're a service based business like a life coach, an event planner, a business strategist, a podcaster or some other type of creative that doesn't necessarily have a product to show on social media, it can be hard to know what types of photos to share and how to connect visually with your audience - and that can be a problem. Humans are visual beasts; our brains process images faster than text (like, 60,000 times faster) which makes visual communication so valuable in the creative entrepreneurs tool belt and something that when utilized strategically can help our audiences connect with our services…

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Inspired Chicago | Indigo & Violet Studio

There's been a short hiatus for the Inspired Chicago Feature Series over the last few months - I've taken time to think about how the feature highlights Chicago's entrepreneurial women, ways I can improve and widen the access to women who want to be interviewed, and how the feature will look going on from here. I'm happy to say not a whole lot has changed except for feeling a bit more clarity about Inspired Chicago - and what's better than clarity for creative entrepreneurs? What a way to bring back the feature than with this amazing interview with Leigh of Indigo & Violet Studio

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